Friday, February 27, 2009


> 男人要永远感谢在他20多岁的时候曾经陪在他身边的女人,
> 因为20多岁的男人处在一生中的最低点,
> 没钱、没地位,没房、没车、没事业,不能独立又不想依赖,挣扎着彷徨着,寻找自己的位置!
> 而20多岁的女人却是她生命中最灿烂的时候;
> 男人要永远感谢在他20多岁的时候曾经陪在他身边的女人,
> 因为二十多岁的男人还很“懵懂”,
> 而二十多岁的女人却很灿烂;
> 二十多岁的男人处在一生中的最低点,
> 而二十多岁的女人却是她的大好华年;
> 二十多岁的男人很不知珍惜,
> 而二十多岁的女人最需要被珍惜;
> 二十多岁的男人自卑到极点所以非常自负,
> 而二十多岁的女人却在努力建立他的自信;
> 二十多岁的男人不懂爱,不会爱却需要爱,
> 而二十多岁的女人需要被爱,需要关怀,却要付出呵护付出关怀;
> 二十多岁的男人没钱、没事业,但有欲望
> 而二十多岁的女人空守着自己的韶光不再;
> 女孩子二十岁左右是她最美丽的年华,这时她的心地最善良,她有点成熟,又有点孩子气。
> 男孩子在二十多岁时遇见了一个年纪相当的女孩子,那一定要珍惜她,因为这个女孩是用自己最美丽的年华陪他走过了最暗淡的日子!!!
> 女孩只要陪他走过,女孩会永远幸福下去~~~
> 当女孩对你撒娇甚至无理取闹时,请男孩不要烦恼女孩,因为她们有道理这样,我们没理由烦恼,我们要做的就是很理解很理解,保护好这位天使,等我们到了30岁,正当我们最美丽的时候,也请你不要放开这位曾经的天使!!!
> 二十多岁的男人不知道珍惜,不知道感恩.
> 当他们三十多岁的时候,事业有成,成熟稳重.
> 开始嫌弃曾经陪伴过他,但不再年轻的女人.
> 有人说男人其实是最专一的.
> 因为从20岁到80岁的男人都喜欢20岁左右年轻漂亮的女人.
> 这是个笑话,但也是个事实.
> 有人说现在的年轻女孩都很现实,眼中没有爱情.
> 称着年轻嫁个有钱的,一辈子也就有个归宿了.
> 男人有时好比洋葱,要想看到洋葱的心就需要一层一层去剥。
> 但是女人在剥的过程会不断流泪剥到最后才知道,
> 原来洋葱是没有心的.

p/s: 我的確沒有心了,因爲

Sunday, February 15, 2009

How long.....I've forgotten....??

Didnt had any idea how long i din update my blog, hmmm dunno what to write, = =
ohohohoho after i back from sarawak, i met her.
I so glad to see her hair been tightened up ohohohohoho so happy to see that wakakaka yet she was adorable, muahahaha i like the look ^^ so honey remember to tight it up muahahaha ^^
well, after that i were in carefour helping my mum to look after the tea shop so feel free to visit me because it was really boring being at there T.T''' (come and find me for a chat ^^)
Erm, valentines day ^^ we went to sunway piramid ^^ to see a movie named ''The House''
not scary but she hold my arm until so tight (ohohoho happy to feel it ^^ ),
in the end the house still remain, and i were confusing where the 'susan' came from - - '''? No answer i think....After that, we walked around ^^ i bought her some cute and funny present hehe that thingy will vibrate ^^ ohoho (dun think other side - - ) (feel free to ask me if u really want to knw it ^^) and also a pair of ring ^^ which able to stick together ^^ hehe after that we went back ^^ and then........... ngekekeke 'secret' (no question for this ohohoho ^^)
heh before she went back, we trade our valentine present, althought it is not expansive but it is a meaningful thingy that will always keep us together forever and ever ^^
老婆, really miss you and love u o ^^ for always and always ^^
these are both and on my index finger is 'Endless Love' ^^