Monday, March 23, 2009

給你老公看,以後你也可以跟你兒子這麼說 ... ..... (寫的真好)

曾在廣播裡听到> > ,
> 做媽媽的總是嘮叨
> > ,有一次已經高中的兒子不耐煩的頂撞了母親 , 母親氣得半死。
> 做父親的便約兒子一起出門散步。兩人走了好久
> > , 父親一路上不發一語 , 兒子納悶。
> 一直到要進家門口時 , 父親拍拍兒子的肩膀, 以男人對男人的語氣說
> : > 『等一下進去時> > , 給我女人一點面子 !』
> 兒子驚讶於老爸用哥兒們的語氣對他說話
> > ,並因男人跟男人之間的義氣 , 從此對母親畢恭畢敬的。
> 所以 > , 有的時候 , 父親這個角色還是頗重要的 ! >

> 當我的小孩頂撞我時,我想告訴他,下列的事任選一樣,做到後,才有頂撞的權利:
> 1. > 連續3 個月每吃完一餐就須催吐 (孕吐)
> 2. > 乳頭被別人吸到破皮達一個月 (餵奶)
> 3. > 肚子塞一顆籃球達 10 個月 ( 懷孕)
> 4. > 接受皮鞭抽打達 48 小時 (生小孩)
> 5. 10 > 個月不能喝冰水、咖啡、茶
> 6. 5 > 個月睡覺不能翻身
> 7. 10 > 個月不能出遊遠行,不能跑跳
> 8. 10 > 個月不能生病,要不,生病不能吃藥
> 9. > 至育嬰室把屎把尿一個月
> 10. > 晚上睡覺每二個小時起床一次,清醒30 分鐘達一個月 >
> 寫完上述 > 10 項,我覺得當娘的真不是人幹的。

> 想起一個高中同學他說:有一次頂撞母親,父親把他從椅子上踹下來,斥責他
> : > 你媽是我捧在手心的寶,我呵護她,照顧她,對她輕聲細語,你憑什麼對他大小聲
> !!! > 我的同學再也不敢頂撞母親了。> >

> ><~好感動,尤其是最後一句是經典。
> 男人們丫,如果你們真的愛、疼你老婆(女朋友)記得這句話就夠了!
> 老婆是拿來疼的,所以千錯萬錯都是自己的錯,不服氣嗎?誰叫你當初追人家。
> > 當媽的如果听到老公這麼說,應該會很高興吧!男人要學著點 > ..>


Monday, March 16, 2009


hmmm, getting back spm results, phew lucky better than i thought if not this bloggy will lost its owner forever ~.~''(hahaha but still lose to her - - '' fine fine~.~''')hmm after that hanging out MV with friends ^^ and watched 7 pounds - - '' (rubbish movie i had ever seen,waste money,waste time, and we only get it during its ending - - '') trash!!!

-oh yea ^^
-never never let pei yi guide u how to enter the parking - - ''(lucky i am still at here)

well skip that part ^^
ohohoho now finally i am able to control a manual transmission car steadily and
no more dangerous cornering ^^ wakakakaka (which include upshifting and downshifting)
and hardly 'sei for' ^^
so you may call me out for yam cha ^^
but not too far - - ''
because............i dunno how to go~.~

-p/s: remember to buy insurance before u get into my car - - '''

oh, my love, she become prettier and charming ^^ wakakakkakaak
with a smooth long hair ^^ and tided it up ^^ ohohohohohohoho
glad that i am still with her ~.~''
and of course we will be together forever ^o^
and ever..

-^^ long enough hahaha
-well updated till here ^^ sayonara ^^

Monday, March 9, 2009

3rd day ~.~

today was my 3rd day to drive ~.~
ohohohoho no longer drive dangerously with manual car ^^
yeah ~.~'''
everything was under my control ~.~
ohohohoho but
one thing still need to remember
that is
whenever u wanna take a ride make sure u bought insurance ^^

--->to my love ^^
haha, i think i can fetch u when we pak tor next time ^^
miss u n love u ^^

........short update...........

Saturday, March 7, 2009

First day drive~,~

lolz today i just got my P license ngekekekeke
then.....karyan,her sis and alice were in my tea shop~.~
so i need to fetch them back ~.~
by using my 'wira' -manual car
lolz it was quite exciting
luckily accident did not happen ^^ phew~.~
after visited chia wen,
we started our journey ~.~
phew~.~'' not much car
but i mati engine infront mr. siew house - - '' lolz....
lucky lucky din bang on other cars ^^
after that quite smooth ba ^^
haha ~.~ hope my driving skill be improved hohoho
but if u want a ride, make sure u bought insurance ^^ hahaaha

p/s: my love ^^ i will go and fetch u out ^^ hahahaha ^o^v
miss u o ^^
love u o ^^
miss n love u o ^^
haha =P funny ^^ miss and love u forever ever o ^^

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Finally - - '''''

Last tuesday i went for driving test~.~

many funny things happen during that day ~.~''
which included, when i was queuing
up and wait for my turn to take the road test - - '' my number was 63 o (not bad not bad 3 means will alive ^^ try to read it in cantonese) and those ''ham''(judgers) kept on calling 62, 64, 65 but skipped 63 - - '' cilaka~.~
when those 6+ numbers finished then only my turn - - '' kanasai = =

and on the road that time - - '' before i reached the destination,still in the half way, that ''ham'' closed that paper and finished marking - - '' walau (if dont have that rm200 he wont let you pass so easily - - '') so..............
with the help of rm200 i got 18 marks - - '''

-after that, i was waiting for the other test - - '' climbing hills, reverse parking and three-pointed turn, luckily i passed all without obstacles but - - '' i dont think those ham got observered clearly when i was driving - - '' they just chatted there - - '' and so finally..........

- high hills-1 minutes
-parking-3 minutes
-three-pointed tur
n-1 minutes


all passed ^o^v

yeah ^^