Friday, July 24, 2009
but, never mind, a few days will be enough for resting and regeneration ^^ haha
Does anyone watched the Ghost Adventures for every Thursday at ntv7-Your feel good channel =P haha. It was made up by a team with 3 person, they went different hot spots to find out the truth as they dont believe in ghost. They locked themself in those haunted places from dawn till sun rise. In a meanwhile, they captured some unexplainable pictures and weird sounds which Goosebumps appeared when u saw or heard it. Hehe xD, plus, one of their members, Zac is handsome and muscular haha check it out if u want ^^ recommended.
Well if your are interested in it, might as well go to search in youtube~ but i prefer tv coz volume can be increased and screen is larger than com.
Anyway, just crapping up there ^^ hope you all dont mind
haha quite boring these days but still have to continue on study ~.~'
wish you all have a great day and be happy always k ?
specially for my dear ^^
you are always with me and i am really appreciating that, thank you ^^ for not leaving me, feel good with u ^^ for always
Friday, July 3, 2009
A visit to Aquarium at KLCC
~The Legend of the Mask Riders~ XD
~The Gigantic Sharky~
~Little Fishy Taste My finger~ !!!!!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Blood donation~~
So, my fellow buddy HL implored me to donate blood together with him because...
(- -) he damn like the moment when his blood was flowing out (- - )'' ~~
At first, i was not interested in it but....his passionate had changed my previous decision, so i walked down to the hall with him....
Firstly, we had to fill up the data and a piece of card,then we were lead to test our blood type one by one.Blood Test was interesting,we were implored to measure our weight and lend our helping hand to the workers.Then, he toke out a tiny box with pin in it.Guess which fingers he had chosen ?? Hehe, the middle finger (- -)''oXo
''Tick-tark'',my middle finger had penetrated by the pin and started bleeding.He then tested our blood by using two solution which i dunno.
Then,the main event arrived.A nurse invited me to lay on a chair,double confirmed my identity and she toke out a 450ml pack hanging below my arm support. Later on, she injected something that makes my hand numb and then penetrated a single wired thick like needle through my skin,the blood flows out~.~''
Honestly, its not pain at all haha xD
After the blood pack fully filled with my tasty blood, the nurse removed the needle at a glance O.O'' then she implored me to stay on the chair for ten minutes.
Not knowing how many second had passed, a guy went near me and asked '' sudah berapa lama ke?'' ''tak tau, mungkin sudah'' i answered. He then invited me to have some foods and drinks prepared by them.
WoW, i saw my chemistry teacher, Pn.Wong also donating blood with us!! She's kind!!!!! Although she happened some incident after blood donation,her blood flows out when she stood up from the chair after ten minutes. They quickly asked her to sit back and wait for another 10 minutes. Phew, lucky she's fine after that. She is a great teacher (~.~)v
Oh,if any of you not really know the size of the needle, you may ask shurong because on that day we met, he had already donated some blood to wesleys's carpet xD and shurong, thats the needle they used for blood donation haha xD
well,thats all for today ^^
hope you all have a nice day ~~
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
HAPPY DAY !!!!!!!!!!! YEAH
''FullHouse'' at the 'cow car water' ^^
again~~ cutey menu with leng lui hahaha =P
cutey menu~~ with leng cai hohoho =P
cutey menu~~ with love shape ~~~
delicious food ~~
this is how a beauty having her dinner xD
a perfect end of the day ~~ muackzzz
honestly i was really grateful that she still be with me for 2 years
and i strongly believe that there are many 2 years waiting for us
Bao bei~~ i love u ^^
way to destroy a mash potatoes wakakaka
Friday, May 29, 2009
please appreciate anyone be with you.....
you wouldn't even know what will exactly happen the next second....
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Boring day~.~
-the teacher told us that they had prepared a new well air-condition room for us~.~......... ooo we felt so happy ^^ because finally we can enjoy the air-cond classroom.....
however, things were always out of expecting ^^
......Day Two........
-finally we went in our new classroom~.~ There was a big title 'Pre-U' hanging outside the classroom - - (i think they are afraid we wont be able to find our way back to class) - - '' swt'''
-hohoho, new chairs, new tables, but........the - - '''
normally well functioning air cond release cold air~ unfortunately,this air cond release hot air walau can u imagine that hot air been released during 12 noon - - ''
-but one thing good about the class near to our canteen so that we can fly to our canteen just a moment ^^
Anyway,it is time to study hard and be well-prepared for form 6 T.T because it is sibeh hard - - '''
fourth subjects that i have choose are PA,MUET,MATH-T,PHYSICS,CHEMISTRY~.~
so currently, i will study first before i touch the com - - '''
i so so so miss u ^^ hahahaha
hehe 想你的心从来都没改变过。。
爱你哦~~呵呵 ^^
Monday, March 23, 2009
給你老公看,以後你也可以跟你兒子這麼說 ... ..... (寫的真好)
> 做媽媽的總是嘮叨
> > ,有一次已經高中的兒子不耐煩的頂撞了母親 , 母親氣得半死。
> 做父親的便約兒子一起出門散步。兩人走了好久
> > , 父親一路上不發一語 , 兒子納悶。
> 一直到要進家門口時 , 父親拍拍兒子的肩膀, 以男人對男人的語氣說
> : > 『等一下進去時> > , 給我女人一點面子 !』
> 兒子驚讶於老爸用哥兒們的語氣對他說話
> > ,並因男人跟男人之間的義氣 , 從此對母親畢恭畢敬的。
> 所以 > , 有的時候 , 父親這個角色還是頗重要的 ! >
> 當我的小孩頂撞我時,我想告訴他,下列的事任選一樣,做到後,才有頂撞的權利:
> 1. > 連續3 個月每吃完一餐就須催吐 (孕吐)
> 2. > 乳頭被別人吸到破皮達一個月 (餵奶)
> 3. > 肚子塞一顆籃球達 10 個月 ( 懷孕)
> 4. > 接受皮鞭抽打達 48 小時 (生小孩)
> 5. 10 > 個月不能喝冰水、咖啡、茶
> 6. 5 > 個月睡覺不能翻身
> 7. 10 > 個月不能出遊遠行,不能跑跳
> 8. 10 > 個月不能生病,要不,生病不能吃藥
> 9. > 至育嬰室把屎把尿一個月
> 10. > 晚上睡覺每二個小時起床一次,清醒30 分鐘達一個月 >
> 寫完上述 > 10 項,我覺得當娘的真不是人幹的。
> 想起一個高中同學他說:有一次頂撞母親,父親把他從椅子上踹下來,斥責他
> : > 你媽是我捧在手心的寶,我呵護她,照顧她,對她輕聲細語,你憑什麼對他大小聲
> !!! > 我的同學再也不敢頂撞母親了。> >
> ><~好感動,尤其是最後一句是經典。
> 男人們丫,如果你們真的愛、疼你老婆(女朋友)記得這句話就夠了!
> 老婆是拿來疼的,所以千錯萬錯都是自己的錯,不服氣嗎?誰叫你當初追人家。
> > 當媽的如果听到老公這麼說,應該會很高興吧!男人要學著點 > ..>
Monday, March 16, 2009
-oh yea ^^
-never never let pei yi guide u how to enter the parking - - ''(lucky i am still at here)
well skip that part ^^
ohohoho now finally i am able to control a manual transmission car steadily and
no more dangerous cornering ^^ wakakakaka (which include upshifting and downshifting)
and hardly 'sei for' ^^
so you may call me out for yam cha ^^
but not too far - - ''
because............i dunno how to go~.~
-p/s: remember to buy insurance before u get into my car - - '''
oh, my love, she become prettier and charming ^^ wakakakkakaak
with a smooth long hair ^^ and tided it up ^^ ohohohohohohoho
glad that i am still with her ~.~''
and of course we will be together forever ^o^
and ever..
-^^ long enough hahaha
-well updated till here ^^ sayonara ^^
Monday, March 9, 2009
3rd day ~.~
ohohohoho no longer drive dangerously with manual car ^^
yeah ~.~'''
everything was under my control ~.~
ohohohoho but
one thing still need to remember
that is
whenever u wanna take a ride make sure u bought insurance ^^
--->to my love ^^
haha, i think i can fetch u when we pak tor next time ^^
miss u n love u ^^
........short update...........
Saturday, March 7, 2009
First day drive~,~
then.....karyan,her sis and alice were in my tea shop~.~
so i need to fetch them back ~.~
by using my 'wira' -manual car
lolz it was quite exciting
luckily accident did not happen ^^ phew~.~
after visited chia wen,
we started our journey ~.~
phew~.~'' not much car
but i mati engine infront mr. siew house - - '' lolz....
lucky lucky din bang on other cars ^^
after that quite smooth ba ^^
haha ~.~ hope my driving skill be improved hohoho
but if u want a ride, make sure u bought insurance ^^ hahaaha
p/s: my love ^^ i will go and fetch u out ^^ hahahaha ^o^v
miss u o ^^
love u o ^^
miss n love u o ^^
haha =P funny ^^ miss and love u forever ever o ^^
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Finally - - '''''
many funny things happen during that day ~.~''
which included, when i was queuing up and wait for my turn to take the road test - - '' my number was 63 o (not bad not bad 3 means will alive ^^ try to read it in cantonese) and those ''ham''(judgers) kept on calling 62, 64, 65 but skipped 63 - - '' cilaka~.~
when those 6+ numbers finished then only my turn - - '' kanasai = =
and on the road that time - - '' before i reached the destination,still in the half way, that ''ham'' closed that paper and finished marking - - '' walau (if dont have that rm200 he wont let you pass so easily - - '') so..............
with the help of rm200 i got 18 marks - - '''
-after that, i was waiting for the other test - - '' climbing hills, reverse parking and three-pointed turn, luckily i passed all without obstacles but - - '' i dont think those ham got observered clearly when i was driving - - '' they just chatted there - - '' and so finally..........
- high hills-1 minutes
-parking-3 minutes
-three-pointed turn-1 minutes
all passed ^o^v
yeah ^^
Friday, February 27, 2009
> 因为20多岁的男人处在一生中的最低点,
> 没钱、没地位,没房、没车、没事业,不能独立又不想依赖,挣扎着彷徨着,寻找自己的位置!
> 而20多岁的女人却是她生命中最灿烂的时候;
> 男人要永远感谢在他20多岁的时候曾经陪在他身边的女人,
> 因为二十多岁的男人还很“懵懂”,
> 而二十多岁的女人却很灿烂;
> 二十多岁的男人处在一生中的最低点,
> 而二十多岁的女人却是她的大好华年;
> 二十多岁的男人很不知珍惜,
> 而二十多岁的女人最需要被珍惜;
> 二十多岁的男人自卑到极点所以非常自负,
> 而二十多岁的女人却在努力建立他的自信;
> 二十多岁的男人不懂爱,不会爱却需要爱,
> 而二十多岁的女人需要被爱,需要关怀,却要付出呵护付出关怀;
> 二十多岁的男人没钱、没事业,但有欲望
> 而二十多岁的女人空守着自己的韶光不再;
> 女孩子二十岁左右是她最美丽的年华,这时她的心地最善良,她有点成熟,又有点孩子气。
> 男孩子在二十多岁时遇见了一个年纪相当的女孩子,那一定要珍惜她,因为这个女孩是用自己最美丽的年华陪他走过了最暗淡的日子!!!
> 女孩只要陪他走过,女孩会永远幸福下去~~~
> 当女孩对你撒娇甚至无理取闹时,请男孩不要烦恼女孩,因为她们有道理这样,我们没理由烦恼,我们要做的就是很理解很理解,保护好这位天使,等我们到了30岁,正当我们最美丽的时候,也请你不要放开这位曾经的天使!!!
> 二十多岁的男人不知道珍惜,不知道感恩.
> 当他们三十多岁的时候,事业有成,成熟稳重.
> 开始嫌弃曾经陪伴过他,但不再年轻的女人.
> 有人说男人其实是最专一的.
> 因为从20岁到80岁的男人都喜欢20岁左右年轻漂亮的女人.
> 这是个笑话,但也是个事实.
> 有人说现在的年轻女孩都很现实,眼中没有爱情.
> 称着年轻嫁个有钱的,一辈子也就有个归宿了.
> 男人有时好比洋葱,要想看到洋葱的心就需要一层一层去剥。
> 但是女人在剥的过程会不断流泪剥到最后才知道,
> 原来洋葱是没有心的.
p/s: 我的確沒有心了,因爲
Sunday, February 15, 2009
How long.....I've forgotten....??
ohohohoho after i back from sarawak, i met her.
I so glad to see her hair been tightened up ohohohohoho so happy to see that wakakaka yet she was adorable, muahahaha i like the look ^^ so honey remember to tight it up muahahaha ^^
well, after that i were in carefour helping my mum to look after the tea shop so feel free to visit me because it was really boring being at there T.T''' (come and find me for a chat ^^)
Erm, valentines day ^^ we went to sunway piramid ^^ to see a movie named ''The House''
not scary but she hold my arm until so tight (ohohoho happy to feel it ^^ ),
in the end the house still remain, and i were confusing where the 'susan' came from - - '''? No answer i think....After that, we walked around ^^ i bought her some cute and funny present hehe that thingy will vibrate ^^ ohoho (dun think other side - - ) (feel free to ask me if u really want to knw it ^^) and also a pair of ring ^^ which able to stick together ^^ hehe after that we went back ^^ and then........... ngekekeke 'secret' (no question for this ohohoho ^^)
heh before she went back, we trade our valentine present, althought it is not expansive but it is a meaningful thingy that will always keep us together forever and ever ^^